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microEmacs Key Bindings on 520ST
These are the key bindings, as they are in the
ue.tos version of 01/18/86.
To change these bindings, recompile 'keybind.c', and link everything.
[Two related files are (1) 'keynames.h' which #defines the F1 et al;
(2) 'keymap.c' which maps the scan codes to ascii values using the
intelligent key board of the ST.]
The standard control-, meta-key bindings, as they were in the original
MicroEmacs, are also valid.
The Function Keys alter the buffer and/or file content; so be
cautious. All the other special keys (the HELP-UNDO group, and the
numeric keypad group) only change the display, and/or windows; so you
can be playful with these. The commands 'kill', 'yank' and 'read-file'
don't work as they do in full Emacs; so watch out.
F1, delbword, /* delete preceding word */
F2, delfword, /* delete the next/current word */
F3, kill, /* kill current line to its end */
F4, yank, /* insert the deleted stuff back */
F5, killbuffer, /* kill [current] buffer; verifies if changed */
F6, listbuffers, /* list buffers, and their sizes; not accurate */
F7, usebuffer, /* switch to another existing/new buffer */
F8, filewrite, /* save current buffer to specified file */
F9, filevisit, /* read-in a file to edit */
F10 filesave, /* save current buffer to its file */
HELP, help, /* alas, not much help yet! */
UNDO, quickexit, /* quick save and exit */
INSERT, backpage, /* display page preceding current one */
HOME, forwpage, /* display page following current one */
UPARRO, backline, /* move cursor to preceding line; readjust displ*/
DNARRO, forwline, /* move cursor to next line; readjust display */
LTARRO, backchar, /* move cursor to preceding char */
RTARRO, forwchar, /* move cursor to following char */
keypad keys
KLP, mvdnwind, /* scroll window contents up (move window down) */
KRP, mvupwind, /* scroll window contents dn (move window up) */
KSLASH, splitwind, /* split current window into two */
KSTAR, onlywind, /* make the current window the only one */
KMINUS, prevwind, /* move cursor to preceding window, if any */
KPLUS, nextwind, /* move cursor to following window, if any */
KENTER, ctlxe, /* re-execute the key-board macro */
KDOT, swapmark, /* swap mark with dot; (shift-F1 sets mark) */
K0, showcpos, /* show cursor position numerically */
K7, gotobob, /* move cursor to beginning of buffer */
K8, reposition, /* reposition so that current line is at the top*/
K9, gotoeob, /* move cursor to end of buffer */
K4, backword, /* move cursor to beginning of word */
K5, backline, /* move to prev line; same as up arrow */
K6, forwword, /* move cursor to end of word */
K1, gotobol, /* move cursor to beginning of current line */
K2, forwline, /* move to next line; same as dn arrow */
K3, gotoeol, /* move cursor to end of current line */
/* -eof- */